Introduction Of 2023 Prize Winners
First Prize Michael Kurtz
Title: Painting in the crossfire of the ‘war of images’
Exhibition: Mohammed Sami:The Point 0 (Camden Art Centre)
Michael Kurtz is a writer, researcher, and curator based in London. He is particularly interested in contemporary photography and art that engages critically with digital culture. He read History of Art at the University of Oxford, where he won the Gibbs Prize in 2019. Since then, he has held curatorial positions at Waddesdon Manor and Four Corners Gallery as well as completing a Master’s degree in the History of Photography at Birkbeck, University of London, funded by the Wallace Studentship. His art criticism has appeared in e-flux, The London Magazine, Burlington Contemporary, Art Review Oxford, and Ukrainian Photographies Journal, and he has an article about Baptist missionary photography in Angola forthcoming in Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics. As research assistant to art historian Michael Peppiatt, he recently contributed to the editing of Francis Bacon’s collected writings.
Joint Second Prize ZHANG Chen
Title: Mother and Child
Exhibition: Mother and Child (New Century Art Foundation)
Zhang Chen, Associate Professor of the School of Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) Beijing, China, Doctor of Fine Arts, Master's supervisor. His main research interests are Visual Culture Theories, Western Art History, and Comparisons between Chinese and Western Art. He has studied as a visiting scholar in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Italy; DFK Paris, German Center for Art History, France; Villa I Tatti Florence, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Italy; HKW Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Germany, etc.. He is the author of Body, Space and Time: A Study on Deleuze's Art Theory, and has published seven Chinese translations of Western Art History. He has pressed many essays in “Literature and Art Studies”, “Art Observation”, “Cultural Studies”, and other academic journals, and is also engaged in the curatorial and critical work of contemporary art.
Joint Second Prize Daniel Culpan
Title: Beauty as a Trojan Horse
Exhibition: Isaac Julien: What Freedom Is To Me (Tate Modern)
Daniel Culpan is a freelance writer and critic, currently based in London. With a particular interest in the visual arts, literature and technology, his work has been featured in Frieze (for which he won the 2016 Writer’s Prize), Artforum, Art Monthly, The Times Literary Supplement, The White Review and WIRED, among others. He’s contributed catalogue essays for artists including Raqib Shaw and Dale Lewis and Whitechapel Gallery’s ‘Radical Figures: Painting in the New Millennium’ show.
Joint Second Prize SUN Wen
Title: Under the Skin: An Exploration of Women’s Migration and Labour Identity
Exhibition: Melati Suryodarmo: Passionate Pilgrim (Ikon Gallery)
Sun Wen is a doctoral candidate at the Center for Contemporary Chinese Art (CCVA), at Birmingham City University, jointly trained with the School of Arts and Humanities of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. She currently lives in Birmingham, UK. Sun Wen's current research focuses on self-injury in contemporary Chinese art, exploring the connection between these arts and social life, as well as the significance of these arts as an unusual human experience. Her interests include publicly engaged art, body art, art therapy, etc. Sun Wen graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with a postgraduate degree in Art History and an undergraduate degree from Communication University of China in English, specializing in film and television drama translation.
DONG Kefei
Title: Image Without Substance and the Darkroom Game—On Geng Jianyi's Photographic Practice
Exhibition:Who is He? A Geng Jianyi Retrospective (UCCA)
Title: A Ge-stell that Transcends Technology: An Island of Production and Generation in the Fifth Dimension
Exhibition:Variants (Kistefos Museum)
LI Heli
Title: The Array of Nothingness in a Nameless Place
Exhibition:Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History (UCCA Edge)
Title: Remnants of Evolutionary Postures
Exhibition:Morphologies souterraines (Palais de Tokyo)
Title: Secret Gathering of the Diaspora
Exhibition:Stanislava Kovalcikova: First Rays of the New Sun (Antenna-space)
Title: Letters from Outside the Box: Chen Chieh-jen's Reconsideration of Movement
Exhibition:Chen Chieh-jen: Detoxify Illusion with Māyā (Long March Space)
Title: Society Game
Exhibition:Li Liao: The Wife Went to Start a Business (Pingshan Art Museum)
Title: When 720p is No Longer Labelled as High Definition
Exhibition:Memory Palace in Ruins (C-LAB)
Anastasia Philimonos
Title: Borders in Parallax
Exhibition:45th Parallel (Talbot Rice Gallery)
Canaan Brown
Title: Reframing Erasure: Colonialism, Repatriation, and the Black Fantastic
Exhibition:The Fantastic Memoir of the Life of Lucius Alexander, A Haint (Recent Activity Gallery)
Laura McLean-Ferris
Title: A Shift in the Temperature
Exhibition:“Everybody Talks About the Weather” and “Thus waves come in pairs” (Fondazione Prada, Venice & Ocean Space, Venice)
Matthew Joseph McLean
Title: Ask a Spider
Exhibition:Tomás Saraceno In Collaboration: Web(s) of Life’ (Serpentine Galleries)
Qisen Song
Title: Renqi as a Resistance: Toward an Architecture of the Everyday
Exhibition:The Shape of Shadows (Shanghai Power Station of Art)
Sabine Casparie
Title: The Reenchantment of Art
Exhibition:Mihail Karikis: Because We Are Together (EMST-National Museum of Contemporary Art)
Sonali Bhagchandani
Title: The Poetics of Violence
Exhibition:Woman Is As Woman Does (Jehangir Nicholson Art Foundation)
Will Fenstermaker
Title: A Folk History of Climate Collapse: Duke Riley’s Scrimshaw at the Brooklyn Museum
Exhibition:DEATH TO THE LIVING, Long Live Trash (The Brooklyn Museum)
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