Introduction to the 2018 Award Winners
First Prize Wang Huan
Title: 《个体不缄默——关于波尔坦斯基的“肖像语法”》
Exhibition: 《克里斯蒂安·波尔坦斯基:忆所》
Wang Huan is a Beijing-based writer, curator and editor of Jiazazhi Magazine. He has tried practising a kind of anti-stylistic writing and has published a series of art reviews in various public media such as LEAP Magazine, Art World Magazine, Jiazazhi Magazine, Art Shard and Ray Art Center’s Reviews. He has also curated a list of exhibitions including ‘Objects That Have Been Intruded’ (a programme of Jimei Arles International Photo Festival 2016), ‘Finalist Exhibition of 2016 New Talent Award’ (Chronus Art Center (CAC), 2017) and ‘The Port and the Image: Documenting China’s Harbor Cities’ (China Port Museum, 2017). The projects he has initiated include ‘New Talent Award’ (2014-2016), ‘New Talent Photofairs Talk Series’ and ‘Artists’ Studios Open Day Project’, etc.
Joint Second Prize Dong Yuxiang
Title: 《摄影的疆域、人文精神与数字鸿沟——对<存在:新摄影2018>的一点思考》
Exhibition: 《存在:新摄影2018 》

Dong Yuxiang holds a BFA from the Beijing Film Academy, Beijing, China and an MFA from the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Media, Art, and Text at the Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. His research investigates the intersection between art, technology, and society.

Joint Second Prize Alongkot Maiduang
Title: Art Criticism on an exhibition – Vasan Sitthieket’s I AM YOU – Bangkok
Exhibition: Vasan Sitthieket’s I AM YOU

‘Kalapapruek’ is a penname of AlongkotMaiduang, a Thai award-winning film and literature critic who broadens his interest into visual arts, classical music and theatre. His art criticism writings include reviews of SuchartSawasdsri’sNatrewithi exhibition (2006) in Bangkok andApichatpongWeerasethakul’s Primitive exhibition (2009) in Liverpool. His English review on ‘Michael Shaowanasai presents……’ exhibition (2015) was selected for publication in the IAAC 2015-2016 Exhibition Reviews Annual.

As a multidisciplinary art critic, AlongkotMaiduang has served as a permanent jury member of the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) Award Thailand. He participated in the 3rd Seminar for Music Critics (2012) in Vienna, Austria organised by the Mahidol College of Music, and was recently selected as a cultural fellow of the Asia Leadership Fellow Program (ALFP) 2018 by the International House of Japan and Japan Foundation, Asia Center.

His criticisms are published in a wide range of media e.g. Judprakai/BangkokBizNews, GMLive, Filmvirus, Filmax, MahidolClassical Music journal, andP.E.N. Thailand Literary periodical.

Gwen Burlington
Title: The Politics of the Witch, Jesse Jones, at Temple Bar Dublin
Exhibition: Tremble,Tremble Jesse Jones
I am an artist and writer from Dublin, Ireland. In 2013, I graduated from the National College of Art and Design with a joint degree in History of Art and Fine Art Media. Since 2016, my art practice has focused on writing about contemporary art. In 2017, I received an MA in Contemporary Art Theory from Edinburgh College of Art. I recently moved to London to dedicate more time to writing about visual art criticism, essays and contemporary culture.
Title: 《重叠乌托邦》
Exhibition:《首届中国•合川钓鱼城 国际新媒体艺术节》
Title: 《极简主义的遗产》
Exhibition:《雷切尔•怀特瑞德(RACHEL WHITEREAD)》
Title: 《从书写到展示——谈“艺术家小说”》
Title: 《在格林伯格的阴影下 ——评<睡莲——美国抽象派与莫奈后期作品>》
Title: 《驱逐与凝视》
Title: 《单手拍掌:中国未来想象提案》
Title: 《真实的悖论》
Exhibition:《The Incomplete Araki: Sex, Life, and Death in the Work of Nobuyoshi Araki》
Title: 《反思、氛围和社交时代的艺术鉴赏危机》
Nora Kocacs
Title: Shell Shock
Exhibition:Terra Infirma
Lorena Muños
Title: On Hope and dread in nuclear times: Ana Vaz’s long voyage out, at LUX london
Exhibition:The Voyage Out
Amy Zion
Title: Sara Fibres and the Shipibo Conibo Centre – NY at the Austrian Cultural Forum
Exhibition:The Proojective Drawing
Orit Gat
Title: From Ear to Ear to Eyes: Sounds and Stories from Across the Arab World – Nottingham Contemporary
Exhibition:From Ear to Ear to Eyes
Allie Linn
Title: A Monitored Engagement: Paths, Cells, and Scrutiny at Glenstone
Exhibition:Louise Bourgeois: To Unravel a Torment
Sophie Tolhurst
Title: Heidi Bucher at Parasol Unit
Exhibition:The Voyage Out
Adam Hines-Green
Title: Superflex One Two Three Swing! At Tate Modern
Exhibition:Superflex:One Tow Three Swing!
Dagmara Genda
Title: Pawel Althamer Wants You to Stay Home – Venice Biennale
Exhibition:Park Rzezby
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